
Coach Alberta believes everyone should have the opportunity to participate in any level of sport. The aboriginal community has often times been forgotten and not given the same opportunity to participate in quality sport.

To create the best experience in Indigenous sport and recreation, we need to recognize that many parts of Canada’s mainstream sport pathway do not reflect the needs and cultural priorities of Indigenous peoples. Accordingly, the Indigenous Long-Term Participant Development Pathway presents a framework that tries to respond to their real needs and goals.


Guiding Principles

When designing a strategy to work and improve the sporting conditions in aboriginal communities, one must consider the following development strategies:

  • Aboriginal peoples are an integral part of Alberta’s history and heritage.
  • Aboriginal peoples possess significant traditional knowledge and cultural teachings, which recognize the positive influence that physical activity and sports/games have on holistic personal development.
  • Aboriginal people in Alberta live in complex geographical environments and, as such, experience unique living conditions and social realities.
  • Aboriginal peoples hold personal dignity and well-being as the foundation of their cultures and maintain the inherent right to live healthy and active lives.
  • Aboriginal protocols must be respected in all instances.
  • Aboriginal people with disabilities have unique challenges that must be considered within program planning and delivery.
  • Barriers to Aboriginal peoples’ participation in sport, recreation and physical activity opportunities are compounded by a lack of financial resources and transportation options.
  • Increasing Aboriginal peoples’ participation in sport, recreation and physical activity is enhanced through partnerships with various stakeholders, both Aboriginal and mainstream.

5 Pillars and Priority Activities

Pillar 1: Active Communities

Pillar 2: Leadership and Capacity

Pillar 3: Excellence

Pillar 4: System Development

Pillar5: Sustainability

Aboriginal Sport Circle

The Aboriginal Sport Circle is Canada’s national voice for Aboriginal sport, physical activity, and recreation





Aboriginal Games: The only summer Olympic style event for all of Alberta’s indigenous youth

Arctic Winter Games: is a high profile circumpolar sport competition for northern and arctic athletes

Aboriginal Coaching Apprenticeship

The AACP is a partnership between the Aboriginal Sport Circle (ASC), the Provincial/Territorial Aboriginal Sport Bodies (PTASBs), the Provincial/Territorial Coaching Representatives (PTCRs), the Canada Games Council (CGC), and the Coaching Association of Canada (CAC). The program provides the opportunity for each province and territory to send 2 coaches of aboriginal ancestry to the Canada Games in apprenticeship roles.

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