Women and Girls

Coach Alberta recognizes there is an under-representation of girls in all aspects of sport and leadership.

  • There is only a 10% chance a girl will be physically active as an adult, if she does not participate in sport by the age of 10
  • Only 16% of women report sport participation
  • Women occupy only 17% of the head coaching roles at the Canadian university level
  • To close these gaps, Coach Alberta supports efforts to achieve equity and inclusiveness for women in sport. These efforts include providing information on how to enact change in the sporting community.

    CPRA Women in Sport Grant

    CPRA is implementing a number of initiatives, informed by best practices and evidence, in an effort to increase the participation and retention of women and girls in recreational sport in Canada. This effort supports the Government of Canada (Sport Canada) funding commitment to achieve gender equity in sport at every level by 2035. Click here to apply by December 15th.

    To determine whether your organization is gender equitable

    1.  Take the CAAWS Gender Equitable Toolkit
    2.  Adopt a Gender Equitable Policy
    3.  Advocate for Gender Equity

    For more information about on CAAWS Women and Leadership workshops click here.

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